Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman. At this time, for future mothers is especially important to monitor their physical and emotional health and begin to prepare the body for childbirth. Every woman is unique, to say that it is necessary to go in for fitness or run in the morning, the answer is no. But to help your body in this particular period is necessary. And our best friend in this journey is yoga. Let’s see what’s what.

Among newcomers there are different ideas about yoga, – that yoga is a complex and even mysterious practice, which consists entirely of “braided” poses, stands on the head or on one arm – that is, such exercises, which are difficult to perform without special training, – that yoga  is where everyone sits and meditates in order to practice  astral projection, that yoga is religion and asceticism, and so on. However, today, when yoga has become mainstream, many types of yoga are practiced not only in special centers but also in sports clubs, you can find all sorts of yoga styles. There are different levels – from the hatha yoga course for beginners to intensive ashtanga practice or Bikram yoga for those who want to lose weight. There is a separate style of yoga for pregnant women, but if you have not found such a class, yin yoga and hatha yoga for beginners are perfect for you.
But is it safe for pregnant women to do yoga? If you approach classes without fanaticism, correctly estimate the power and use caution, this is not only not harmful, but also very beneficial, which I will discuss in more detail below.

Any physical activity is contraindicated in severe toxemia or preeclampsia, uterus hypertonus, miscarriage, elevated blood pressure, polyhydramnios, abnormal cervix, cervical insufficiency, placenta prevalence. Consult with your physician before joining any physical activities.


Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No


The practice of yoga is very helpful in preparing for childbirth, first of all in the emotional state, and then in the physical. Yoga includes breathing practices that perfectly help to relax, listen to your feelings and feel the changes in your body. And the bonus – the correct breathing technique, which is taught during practice, will help you during labor.
During pregnancy, the muscles of the whole body (and especially the press and back) experience a static pressure and need a good relaxation, strengthening and stretching, which is given by yoga. The level of the hormone relaxin in the body of a woman is 10 times higher than normal. Relaxin is multifunctional. It is difficult to overestimate the value that the hormone has for the reproductive system. Relaxin is responsible with:
preparation of the future mother’s body for childbirth, through the formation of the birth canal;
• a relaxing effect on the ligaments of the pelvic bones and the pubic symphysis in the last trimester of pregnancy;
• cervical dilatation at the time of delivery;
• the decrease in uterine tone and intensity of contractions.
The hormone relaxes the tendons and dilates the blood vessels. All this is required for the normal course of pregnancy and the birth process itself. This is a real helper for the heart because, during pregnancy, there is a significant increase in blood volume and weight gain. The hormone is one of the reasons why many women experience pain in the back and joints as the duration of pregnancy increases. Many asanas help to “open” the hips correctly, make the muscles more elastic. Regular exercises will minimize pain in your back and relieve tension and fatigue from your legs. Yoga classes help to improve blood circulation, and improve blood circulation between the mother and the fetus, it is also a  prevention of venous thrombosis. Physical exercises help to control weight, ensure the body is filled with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion.
The most important thing is to learn to listen to your body, as the pregnancy develops, replace one asana with another – more easy to perform and useful at a particular stage. Even if you attend a prenatal yoga class, and in one or another asana you experience discomfort, immediately stop and go to Shavasana on your side. Your body is your best guru.

Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No

Yoga for pregnant 1,2,3 trimester

• In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can continue your usual practice. But, this is not a good time for experiments, you should try to avoid poses with jumps, deep twists, backbends, and some inverted poses. Also, do not practice breathing exercises with a fast rhythm, and with breath holding, it is better to practice soothing techniques.
• Starting from week 12, it is necessary to exclude belly asanas, as well as those requiring a long stay in the supine position.
• The last weeks of pregnancy is a time of intensive preparation for childbirth, so you should pay particular attention to asanas, which improve the elasticity of the pelvic muscles and help to relax.

Asanas, possible to perform:

• Adho Mukha Shavasana (downward facing dog) Stretches the hamstrings and back, helps to relax the cervical and thoracic spine. If you are performing a pose for the first time and your back and legs are far from the triangle look – bend your knees, directing the sacrum upwards, so you will not put too much pressure on your arms or round your lower back.

PAY ATTENTION: In all trimesters, put your legs wider than in the usual practice of the Downward Facing Dog pose. In the third trimester, do the posture with your knees bent or place your hands on a chair seat or yoga blocks pressed against the wall. Also, do not raise the pelvis too high so that when you are upside down, your uterus does not press your lungs even more and does not interfere with proper breathing.

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Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No

• Marjariasana (cat pose) develops pelvic muscles and back stabilizing muscles, making the press more elastic. Do not forget that you should not bend too much :).

• Bhadrasana (or a blessed posture) is one of those asanas that can be performed throughout all pregnancy. It develops pelvic muscles, reduces the tension on the spine, has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the abdominal cavity, including blood circulation with the fetus.
• Malasana (garland pose) variation for pregnant women (my favorite pose during pregnancy). In Malasana, an active stretching of the lower back and inner thighs takes place, the ankle area is well stretched and the sacrum area is affected. By the way, this posture has been applied and is still used at the time of delivery.
• Viparita Karani (position of a bent candle) has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, allows blood to “pour off” from the legs, thereby reducing the possibility of puffiness, strengthens the muscles of the upper body.
• Baddha Konasana (butterfly position). This asana, like Bhadrasana, great hip-opener, stretches the internal groins, improves blood circulation in the pelvic region, helps to relieve fatigue from the legs.
• Padahastasana (hand under foot pose) relieves muscle stiffness and static muscle tension, strengthens the muscles of the legs, abs, and shoulders. No need to try to grab the feet, if the stomach does not allow you to do this – do the exercise as far as possible. Use yoga blocks while practicing.
• Tadasana (mountain pose) – a classic asana, stretching the spine, improving blood circulation, opening the chest.
• Virabhadrasana (warrior pose) You can perform a modified version of the warrior posture, asana helps to develop strength in the legs and back, is the prevention of leg cramps during pregnancy. Proper execution of this posture will bring you a sense of stability and strength.
• Vrikshasana (tree pose). This balance asana is actually multifunctional: it makes the internal muscles of the thigh elastic, improves blood flow in the upper shoulder girdle. It is better to perform this exercise against the wall for support.
• Sukhasana – one of the easiest poses in yoga, also called the pose of pleasure. This is a meditative asana, in which it is important to breathe correctly, taking another step towards harmony with your body and your future baby.
Savasana (on the side) modified during pregnancy. Lie on your left side, place a folded blanket or pillow under your head. Place a cushion next to your right foot. Then bend your right knee and place it on the pillow. Keep your knee and ankle at the level of your left thigh. Hips aligned. Close your eyes. Let your breath gently fill you, and you feel the tension goes away. Stay in the pose for 7-10 minutes. Imagine how your baby is resting with you.
Tip: During class, it is better to use a small pillow, yoga blocks and yoga rollers that you can put under different parts of the body if necessary.

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Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No

The main purpose of yoga – to unite into one whole body, spirit and will. Calm breathing, asanas, which do not affect the “dangerous zones”, fullness and satisfaction will help you to achieve the main purpose of your practice. Do not make your motto during pregnancy the tagline  “Faster, higher, stronger.” You are amazingly strong because your body is able to create and maintain another life. Namaste.

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