Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman. At this time, for future mothers is especially important to monitor their physical and emotional health and begin to prepare the body for childbirth. Every woman is unique, to say that it is necessary to go in for fitness or run in the morning, the answer is no. But to help your body in this particular period is necessary. And our best friend in this journey is yoga. Let’s see what’s what.
Any physical activity is contraindicated in severe toxemia or preeclampsia, uterus hypertonus, miscarriage, elevated blood pressure, polyhydramnios, abnormal cervix, cervical insufficiency, placenta prevalence. Consult with your physician before joining any physical activities.
Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No
Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No
Yoga for pregnant 1,2,3 trimester
Asanas, possible to perform:
PAY ATTENTION: In all trimesters, put your legs wider than in the usual practice of the Downward Facing Dog pose. In the third trimester, do the posture with your knees bent or place your hands on a chair seat or yoga blocks pressed against the wall. Also, do not raise the pelvis too high so that when you are upside down, your uterus does not press your lungs even more and does not interfere with proper breathing.
Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No
• Marjariasana (cat pose) develops pelvic muscles and back stabilizing muscles, making the press more elastic. Do not forget that you should not bend too much :).
Prenatal Yoga – Yes or No
The main purpose of yoga – to unite into one whole body, spirit and will. Calm breathing, asanas, which do not affect the “dangerous zones”, fullness and satisfaction will help you to achieve the main purpose of your practice. Do not make your motto during pregnancy the tagline “Faster, higher, stronger.” You are amazingly strong because your body is able to create and maintain another life. Namaste.